Saturday, October 30, 2021

Frozen Souls

 Welcome to my blog tour stop for Frozen Souls which is been hosted by Bookouture

Title : Frozen Souls 

Series: Detective Ellie Reeves #4

Author: Rita Herron

Rating: 5

Would I recommend it? Yes

Would I read more by this author? Yes

Would I read more of this series? Yes

First off  like always I  want to say a  huge  thank you to the publisher  Bookouture, the author Rita Herron  , and to NetGalley for the invite to join this blog tour as well as letting me read and review it.Wow what a story, this one might just be a new favorite of mine out of the three I've read so far but that's hard to say , because books 2 and 3 also had stuff in that I loved about the stories, but this one really had the creepy factor more to it then them, you could almost reach out and touch and see the killer coming to life right before your eyes, his the type that you wouldn't want to meet in a dark room or meet any where for that matter.And the tension you felt every time the killer showed up , because even though its a story , you still want to run and hide.

Book: Frozen Souls
Author: Rita Herron
Pub Day: Oct 28th 2021

Buy Links: 





About the Book: 

She looked like an angel. She lay perfectly still, silky blonde hair falling to her pale shoulders. Icicles clung to her eyelashes as snowflakes fluttered to the frozen ground, burying her body.

As a snowstorm wreaks havoc in the mountain town of Crooked Creek, a woman is found buried in ice. Detective Ellie Reeves is first on the scene. Examining the body, she finds frozen blonde hair, pink nail polish and a silver heart necklace engraved with Mine Forever.

Ellie has first-hand experience of the monsters that lurk in the mountains––her childhood is testament to that. She vows to catch this one, but she’s up against the brutal weather, with snow covering footprints and making forensics impossible.

Frantically trawling through missing-person’s reports, Ellie identifies the victim. Nadine Houser disappeared eleven years ago. Where has she been all this time? Why was she only murdered now?

As storm clouds roll in, another girl is reported missing. Ellie retraces the steps of Ginger Weston who was renting a cabin in the mountains. She discovers a gold chain in the snow, spotted with blood. The killer is accelerating, and it’s just a matter of time before more innocent lives are robbed.

With the town blaming Ellie for the missing girl on her watch, and everyone fearing for their safety of their daughters, it’s down to Ellie to solve the toughest case of her career. But when the killer comes after her, will she live to save Crooked Creek from its ruthless monster?

A totally gripping read that will get your pulse pounding as you flip through the pages! Perfect for fans of Lisa Regan, Melinda Leigh and Kendra Elliot who love a roller-coaster, twist-packed page-turner!

Author Bio

USA Today Bestselling and award-winning author Rita Herron fell in love with books at the ripe age of eight when she read her first Trixie Belden mystery. But she didn't think real people grew up to be writers, so she became a teacher instead. Now she writes so she doesn't have to get a real job.

With over ninety books to her credit, she's penned romantic suspense, romantic comedy, and YA novels, but she especially likes writing dark romantic suspense and crime fiction set in small southern towns.

For more on Rita and her titles, visit her at You can also find her on Facebook/ and Twitter @ritaherron.

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Sunday, October 17, 2021

The Girl on the Platform

 Welcome to my blog tour for The Girl on the Platform which is been hosted by Bookouture

Title: The Girl On The Platform

Author: Ellie Midwood 

Genre: Historical fiction - WW 2 story 
Note: he inspiring true story of Libby Schulze-Boysen, a German girl and her husband who even though both was Germans fight against what Hitler stood for and it led to their untimely death . 
Rating: 5 
Now on to my thoughts
First off  like always I  want to say a  huge  thank you to the publisher  Bookouture  , the author  Ellie Midwood , and to NetGalley for the invite to join this blog tour as well as letting me read and review it.Once again a big win when it comes to Bookouture's historical fiction WW 2 based stories, they've knocked it out the ball park once again with this one. For those who don't know me I'm a big reader of WW 2 stories wither its nonfiction or historical fiction ( that is  even their down right ), because their on parts of our history and people that I never knew about , it brings their life to life and it helps us to never forget what they did wither its good like frighting for what they believed in and stood up for it or if they were the ones that was part of the horrendous crimes  that happened doing those times. This story should that not all Germans was for Hitler and his way of life or his thoughts , they didn't see the color of the person's religion, they just saw people , and how they was treated so wrongly, that even though it could mean friends, family turning their backs on them as well as their own death , they stood up for what they believed in. And that in  my book makes them heroes .

 Book: The Girl on the Platform
Author: Ellie Midwood
Pub Day: Oct 13th 2021

Buy Links: 





About the Book: 

Berlin, 1939: The inspiring true story of Libby Schulze-Boysen, a German girl who refused to back down to the Nazis. In the face of evil, she vowed to live by the truth––or die by it.

“Be brave. Don’t run. Fight.” With her eyes tightly shut, tears rolling from under her dark lashes, she felt his lips gently touch her burning cheek. The train on the platform whistled, and he disappeared into the steam.

Libby moves to Berlin to start a new life––as far away as possible from her family and their alliance with the Nazis. But in the city, there’s no escape from Hitler’s brutal regime. And when Libby’s friend vanishes into thin air, she decides she cannot stand back and do nothing…

After Libby makes connections with fellow anti-Nazis, she’s introduced to Harro. Instantly, she knows there’s a story behind his cornflower-blue eyes. The whip marks on his back, scars from the SS, tell his secret: he is a resistance fighter.

Harro draws Libby into the world of the resistance, and as they fall in love, their life grows increasingly dangerous. Becoming a double agent, Libby infiltrates the Ministry of Propaganda. By day, they smuggle classified documents. By night, they hold clandestine meetings by candlelight and plot Hitler’s downfall.

But in the frostbitten winter of 1942, Libby fears that the Gestapo is stalking them––their every move watched, their phone calls recorded. And one day, Harro simply disappears. Will they ever be reunited? Or will everything they’ve risked their lives for be in vain?

Fans of The Tattooist of Auschwitz, The Alice Network and The Lilac Girls will be utterly gripped by this heartbreaking page-turner. Based on a true story, this beautiful novel shows that even when our freedom is stolen, we still have a choice…

Author Bio

Ellie Midwood is a USA Today bestselling and award-winning historical fiction author. She owes her interest in the history of the Second World War to her grandfather, Junior Sergeant in the 2nd Guards Tank Army of the First Belorussian Front, who began telling her about his experiences on the frontline when she was a young girl. Growing up, her interest in history only deepened and transformed from reading about the war to writing about it. After obtaining her BA in Linguistics, Ellie decided to make writing her full-time career and began working on her first full-length historical novel, "The Girl from Berlin." Ellie is continuously enriching her library with new research material and feeds her passion for WWII and Holocaust history by collecting rare memorabilia and documents.

In her free time, Ellie is a health-obsessed yoga enthusiast, neat freak, adventurer, Nazi Germany history expert, polyglot, philosopher, a proud Jew, and a doggie mama. Ellie lives in New York with her fiancé and their Chihuahua named Shark Bait.

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Thursday, October 14, 2021

First Girl To Die

Welcome to my blog tour for First Girl to Die which is been hosted by Bookouture

Title: First Girl To Die
Author: Helen Phifer
Series:(Detective Morgan Brookes #4)
Rating: 5
Would I recommend it? Yes
Would I read more of this series? Yes
Would I read more by this author? Yes
Now on to my thoughts
First off  like always I  want to say a  huge  thank you to the publisher Bookouture, the author  Helen Phifer, and to NetGalley for the invite to join this blog tour as well as letting me read and review it. As soon as I saw this I knew that I was going to say yes because its part of a series that I'm 100 % loving and after reading book 3 I knew that I had to have more of it . I mean come on the publisher is Bookouture and thanks to them I've found a lot of new to me series, authors and have been able to continue with series that have since became some of my all time favorite books to read. And this book was just what I needed at this time since I've been in a some what reading slump and as you knew if your a reader those aren't fun at all. So picking up a book from an author that i liked and part of a series that I love , as well as by Bookouture I knew that I would be in the ride of my life, and I was right , because the story line a fast paced page turner that I couldn’t put down or even want to put down the entire time I was reading it, I kept telling myself when I started it that I would read to just 25% and then I would stop for the day but the next time I checked to see how far I was into the book I found out that I was already at 48% , that's how hooked I was. I loved how the author used the information about toxic herbs and how used in a shorting way they wasn't consider harmful but used in other ways they could be deadly . I was also happy to see more of Morgan, Ben and their team as well as more about Morgan's past before she became a cop, and I will have to say that my new all time favorite character is her Aunt. Because even though the topic was serious there was times her Aunt had me smiling and just laughing at what she said to Ben. With that said I can't wait to see what happens next.

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Morgan shudders as she leans out of the window and takes in the familiar blonde curls and clear blue eyes of the fallen girl below. She knows this woman, and she realises with sickening certainty that her friend is now gone forever…

When Detective Morgan Brookes is called to the scene of a suicide, she’s devastated to recognise the young teacher sprawled out on the grass like a broken doll. She hasn’t seen Brittany for years. Not since the tragic death of Morgan’s high-school boyfriend ripped their friendship group apart. But when witnesses describe Brittany’s erratic behaviour and jumbled speech that morning, Morgan is convinced the fearless, life-loving girl she once knew didn’t jump of her own accord.

Traces of poison found in Brittany’s blood prove Morgan’s theory right, but no one can find the source. Then Morgan uncovers a distinctive jar in Brittany’s home filled with toxic herbs, and the sight of it turns her blood to ice. She has a jar just like it, a handmade gift from her aunt. Is this a coincidence, a set-up, or could the only person she’s ever trusted with her damaged past be capable of murder?

Then another woman from Morgan’s past is found, close to the scene of that fatal teenage party. Has Morgan been looking at this all wrong? Are these deaths connected to that deadly night? And how could someone from her own family possibly be involved?

With her aunt’s freedom and more innocent lives at stake, Morgan must dig deep into her painful memories for answers. Who else was there that night, and what exactly did they see? She must stop this twisted killer before any more of her old friends become new victims – but at what cost?

Author Bio

Helen Phifer’s love of reading began with Enid Blyton, before progressing on to Laura Ingals Wilder and scaring herself with Steven King. If she can’t write for any particular reason she finds herself getting itchy fingers and really irritable. She loves reading as much as writing and is also very fond of chocolate, Prosecco, The Lake District, New York, white Zinfandel wine, her children and grandchildren, her friends, porn star martini cocktails, Stephen King, watching scary films, Marilyn Monroe, Melissa McCarthy, Idris Elba, Simon Baker, Spandau Ballet, The Munsters and coffee. In no particular order.

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Monday, October 11, 2021

The Hidden Girl

Welcome to my blog tour stop for The Hidden Girl which is been hosted by Bookouture

Title: The Hidden Girl
Series: Agent Tori Hunter Book 3
Author: Roger Stelljes
Rating: 5
Would I recommend it? Yes , in fact a friend of mine told me she was going to have to check out the series when we was talking about books.
Would I read more of this series? Yes
Would I read more by this author? Yes
First off  like always I  want to say a  huge  thank you to the publisher Bookouture , the author  Tori Stelljes, and to NetGalley for the invite to join this blog tour as well as letting me read and review it. This is a series that I'm enjoying so much that I can't believe how much ,and so far I've only read books 2 and 3 but I'm hooked , and yes I still need to read book 1 which I have and I know that I'm reading the series some what out of order but that's me and its something I tend to do ,plus I'm not having any trouble following along with the story.There just something about these types of thrillers that I love to read especially when they take place in a small town and everyone seems to know everyone . It has everything in that i like , lies, murder, secrets,drama, a bit of romance ( but that doesn't take away from the story), and the characters just play off from one other . Another thing I loved was how you get to more backstory of Tori's past as a teenager and how that plays into what's going on,  and it makes you ask yourself some really hard questions about what is right and wrong,and would you do it as well if you had to make the same judgment call. and the more you reading the more you also start to ask yourself do you really know anyone like you think you do, and other question it makes you ask is if these cases are linked and if so how. Its a story that brings to life that there is always going to be hard choices to make and wither those choices are right or wrong but at the time they maybe the only ones you can make or have to make.

Book: The Hidden Girl
Author: Roger Stelljes
Pub Day: Oct 7th 2021

Buy Links: 

About the Book: 

The lights of her parents’ cabin just visible through the woods, the girl carefully curls up amongst the reeds, her knees pulled tight to her chest. Terrified, the only sound she makes is the pounding of her heart, but she hears the stranger searching… if she keeps silent, will she be safe?

When Agent Tori Hunter is urgently called to the murder scene of Dan and Heidi Newman, she finds their throats slit, and Dan tied up: forced to watch his wife lose her life. Tori’s first thought is for their seventeen-year-old daughter Cara who is nowhere to be found. Will this popular young girl be the next victim?

A broken bracelet is the one clue left at the scene, but the team are running in circles until Tori finally tracks down Cara hiding in the woods. Sobbing, the devastated girl says all she remembers is a flash of a man’s face as she was chased through the forest…

Desperate to find the monster behind this crime, Tori pieces together the broken chain: and it leads her to an elderly lady living alone nearby. When the woman won’t speak to police, Tori senses that although it means breaking all the rules, introducing Cara will show this lonely soul what’s at stake. And once inside her house, Cara gasps when she sees a framed photo on display. It’s the man who chased her…

But then another local couple is murdered in their isolated home, another husband forced to watch his worst nightmare unfold. As more couples lose their lives, can Tori keep Cara, her one witness, safe from this vicious killer? And can she track him down before more innocent families are torn apart?

An absolutely addictive and mind-blowing crime thriller that will have you glued to the pages through each and every twist, until the final shocking conclusion. Fans of Kendra Elliot, Robert Dugoni and Lisa Jackson won’t be able to put this down.

Author Bio

Roger Stelljes is the acclaimed New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of pulse-pounding murder mystery and suspense novels, including the Tori Hunter and McRyan Mystery Series. Roger’s crime thrillers are noted for their fast-paced, yet intricate plots filled with layered and complex characters.

Roger started his first novel in July 2002 while on vacation in Minnesota’s Brainerd Lakes area and has been writing ever since. His debut book, The St. Paul Conspiracy, was nominated in genre fiction for the Minnesota Book Awards along with finalists Brian Freeman and William Kent Krueger. With his follow-up, Deadly Stillwater, where Vince Flynn hailed Roger as a “powerful new thriller voice”, he won the Midwest Independent Book Publishers award for commercial fiction.

Born and raised in Minnesota, Roger still lives there with his family. In addition to his work as an author, Roger is a partner in his law firm. Roger is an avid sports enthusiast and enjoys spending time outdoors boating, attending hockey games, and honing his golf game.

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The Younger Woman

 Welcome to my showcase for THE Younger Woman which is been hosted by HarperCollins and Harlequin The Younger Woman Author: Cate Ray Publica...