Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Under a Brighter Sky

 Welcome to my blog tour stop for Under a Brighter Sky which is been hosted by Bookouture

Title :Under A Brighter Sky
Author: Dianne Haley
Series :The Resistance Girl Book 2
Rating : 5

Would I recommend it? Yes
Would I read more of this series ? Yes 
Would I read more by this author ? Yes 
like always I  want to say a  huge  thank you to the publisher  Bookouture , the author Dianne Haley ,  and to the wonderful ladies of the Bookouture Anonymous Facebook group without them and their hard work and efforts I wouldn't knew about these books  and to NetGalley for the invite to join this blog tour as well as letting me read and review it.Wow and here I thought book 1 was good but this one was even better .And just like The Watchmaker's Daughter pulled my emotions in every direction,  so did this one . It had be literally asking myself can this person be trusted, and who the  traitor was , As well as keeping my fingers cross that the resistance would find out who he or she was before more of them was either caught or put too death. The characters,  as well as the places and timeline came to life and made me feel like I was actually there and reach out and touch the characters.

Under a Brighter Sky: A completely gripping and heartbreaking WWII historical novel (The Resistance Girl Book 2) by Dianne Haley


1943, Nazi-occupied France. Clinging to her little girl’s hand, a young woman runs through the forest and stumbles in the dark. Behind her there are angry shouts in German and shots ringing through the pine trees. Her heart in her mouth, she prays desperately that her husband and son are safe, and that they will see each other again…

As the mountains come alive with bright alpine flowers, Jewish families flee into Switzerland from Nazi-occupied France. Young Resistance fighter Valérie Hallez has hidden Pierre and his little son in the dusty attic of her mother’s bookshop. At night, by flickering candlelight, Pierre tells Valérie of his fear that his precious wife and daughter have been captured. And as they both look to more hopeful days ahead, Valérie writes letters to her soldier fiancé Philippe, dreaming of the day when they can be safely reunited.

With the police going door to door hunting refugees, Pierre and his son must go further into Switzerland before they are caught. But Pierre will not leave without his wife and daughter, and nobody in the Resistance knows what has happened to them. Desperate to reunite the family, Valérie puts herself in more and more danger. But when Philippe discovers that the Germans have her listed as a key Resistance fighter, he begs her not to go back to the border. If she does, he might never see her again.

Valérie knows the Nazis will kill her if they find her, but she cannot bear to abandon the mother and child. Breaking her promise to Philippe, she crosses over into France to look for them. But one of Valérie’s friends in the Resistance is betraying secrets to the Nazis, and her life is in terrible danger. When Philippe hurries to save her life, will they both survive? And will Valérie’s efforts to reunite the family be in vain?

A completely unputdownable and heart-wrenching novel about a woman who risks everything to reunite a family torn apart by war. Fans of The Alice Network, The Nightingale and We Were the Lucky Ones will be swept away by Under a Brighter Sky.

About the author


Originally from the north of Scotland, Dianne now lives with her husband in Edinburgh and has two grown-up children. After a thirty-year business career in London and Edinburgh when Dianne wrote between projects, she is now writing full-time.

Dianne and her family have been visiting the area round Lake Geneva since 1992 and love the Alps in all seasons. The inspiration for her series set in WW2 Switzerland came from a drive through Geneva’s old town on a rainy October evening, the cobbled lanes a perfect setting for secrets and hiding places.

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Sunday, October 23, 2022


 Welcome to my show case for the VANISHING HOUR which is been hosted by| Penguin Random House

Amazon link : Vanishing Hour

VANISHING HOUR by Laura Griffin

Berkley | On Sale October 25, 2022

Missing children are an emergency. Always. Their little bodies are less able to regulate temperature, so they're especially vulnerable to exposure. And in a place as vast and rugged as Silver Canyon State Park, additional hazards abounded: rattlesnakes, coyotes, hundred-foot cliffs. Even the anemic little creek that Ava had been following was terrifying. A child Noah's size could drown in a bathtub. Ava glanced up at the relentless sun that sucked moisture out of everything beneath it. She looked ahead at Huck, who trotted back and forth in front of her in his zigzag pattern. He was working the wind, as he'd been trained, tirelessly sniffing the air with his powerful nose, which could pick up anything with human scent on it, from a candy wrapper to a dropped article of clothing. So far, nothing. Ava checked her watch. Two long hours since she'd left the trailhead. Sweat stung her eyes, and she wiped her forehead with the back of her arm. She paused beside a boulder and dropped her pack on the dusty ground to retrieve one of her water bottles. Huck needed some, too, but right now he was intent on his work. She took a lukewarm sip and scanned the scrub brush lining the canyon wall. Young children had a tendency to wander aimlessly until they found a place to curl up for a nap. Some would even hide from search teams, afraid of getting in trouble for being lost. So Ava had been incessantly scanning pockets of brush. Huck halted in front of her, his nose lifted in the air. Ava froze and watched. But then his head dropped down and he resumed his zigzags. Ava tucked the water bottle away and pushed off the boulder to continue her trek. She watched Huck, amazed by his energy. Even in this heat, he loved working, and when he had his vest on, he didn't have an off switch. As he bounded around in front of her, she thought of the other teams, especially the canine one. She was surprised they hadn't found something close to camp. Of course, the parents had been there, which might have been a problem. Frantic parents threw off a lot of scent, which could have overpowered Noah's smell and possibly confused the dog. Also, the temperature rising in the canyon could have wafted the scent up, well above the dog's nose. Yet another challenge here was that young children didn't throw off as much scent as

adults. And still bodies-ones that were either asleep or unconscious-threw off less scent, too. So there were all kinds of factors in play, especially in a park this size. Ava checked her watch again and sped up her pace, unable to shake the feeling of dread that had been settling in her stomach as the hours ticked by. Scanning the canyon wall, her gaze caught on something beige and triangular. A tent? No. A tarp. She climbed onto a boulder for a closer look. About halfway up the slope of the canyon was a sand-colored canvas tarp that had been stretched taut to create a patch of shade. It looked like a primitive fort-just the sort of thing that would attract a kid's attention, and her pulse quickened as she climbed closer. Nearing the tarp, she spied a small yellow tent tucked in the shade beneath it. She glanced around for Huck, but he was sniffing along at the base of a rockslide. Grabbing hold of a juniper tree, Ava levered herself onto the ledge. She ducked under the tarp and paused a moment for her eyes to adjust. The little tent was unzipped. Hope ballooned in her chest as she pulled back the flap and poked her head inside. Her hope disappeared as she scanned the interior. No sleeping child curled up in the dimness. The air was utterly still, and everything was coated with a thin layer of dust, as though no one had been there in weeks, maybe months. A pile of gear in the corner included a cookstove, a hiking boot, and a blue bedroll with a carabiner clipped to it. Attached to the carabiner was a black key fob. A chill snaked down her spine. Who would leave their car key out here? The fob seemed odd. Ditto for the hiking boot. Where was the other one? And where was its owner? On impulse, Ava took out her phone and snapped a couple of pictures. As part of her SAR training, she'd learned to document crime scenes. She couldn't pinpoint why, exactly, but that was what this felt like. She ducked out and snapped a shot of the exterior. A faint bark pulled her attention back to the mission. She couldn't afford to get sidetracked, even though this place felt creepy. She put her phone away as she skimmed the surrounding area for the missing boot, or any sign of the boot's owner. She glanced up the canyon, looking for evidence of a fire pit or any other camping equipment.

A soft whimper had her turning around. Huck sat beside a rock pile, his ears pricked forward and his gaze fixed on hers. Ava's heart skittered. This was his sit alert letting her know he'd found something

takes us to a small Texas town, following deputy sheriff Grant Wycoff and Ava Burch, a corporate lawyer from the city who—with the help of her adorable dog Huck—discovers new evidence to an unsolved case. At first, all Grant can see when he looks at Ava is a city slicker—with her designer jeans and expensive car. But as the two investigate together, trying to uncover the mystery of a young woman who went missing two years prior, Grant sees there’s more to Ava than meets the eye. And as they continue their search for evidence, another woman disappears under odd circumstances. With time running out, Ava and Grant must work against the brutal heat from both the Texas sun and their own electric chemistry to solve the case.

About the Author

Laura Griffin is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of more than twenty-five books and novellas. She is a two-time RITA Award winner, as well as the recipient of the Daphne du Maurier Award

Friday, October 21, 2022

Their Final Cry

 Welcome to my blog tour stop for Their Final Cry which is been hosted by Bookouture 

Their Final Cry 
Detective Harlow Durant Book 3
Author: Dea Poirier

Rating: 5
Would I recommend it? Yes
Would I read more of this series ? Yes
Would I read more by this author? Yes 

First off  like always I  want to say a  huge  thank you to the publisher Bookouture , the author Dea Poirier , as well as to NetGalley for letting me read and review Their Final Cry .OMG , I need the next book now , why or why did you leave it like that , I'm literally on the edge of my set. But that's how you can tell that the story is good when it has you wanting more , and it gives you Goosebumps, and makes you ask questions that there's no answer for until the next book. AND the way the author  slowly revealing secret after secret until you're not sure of anything anymore - definitely helped pull me in to the story even more then I ever was.

Book Description:
As the sheet was pulled away, Harlow started to get a picture of her victim. Looking down at her alabaster skin, flowing blonde hair and striking cheekbones, it was not hard to see why she was known as the sweetheart of this town. But as Harlow’s eyes scanned down to the purple bruising around her neck, it was clear that someone wanted her dead.When the body of sixteen-year-old Mazie Winters is discovered on the site of an abandoned farm, the small and tight-knit community of New Paltz in upstate New York is rocked to its core and Detective Harlow Durant is called in immediately to investigate.Harlow’s partner Lucas Park is already working at Ackert Farm on a cold case, identifying human remains found in a cellar. Looking out at the desolate farmland, Harlow can’t help but think that dumping Mazie’s body on the site of an active crime scene is a warning: leave the remains in the past or more innocent lives will be lost.Searching old farm records and interviewing previous owners, Harlow discovers that no one ever stayed long: the ground appeared to be cursed and owners soon moved on. The only shred of evidence is of teens heading into the vast network of woods to hear the supposed cries of women, presumed to be the ghosts of the past. But were those screams real?As Harlow pieces together a picture of Mazie: a loving daughter of the local pastor who spent her weekends singing in the church choir, she is called to an abandoned outhouse hidden in the woods. Forcing open the door, she is shocked to find the remains of two women. But the case soon becomes personal as Lucas recognises the necklace found on one of the bodies.Could the remains be linked to the tragic disappearance of Lucas’s mother decades before? And when another teenager vanishes, Harlow senses history repeating itself. With a killer at large, Harlow knows that time is running out to catch the killer and bring justice to Lucas’s family. But how far will the killer go to cover up their darkest crime?A completely gripping and pulse-pounding crime thriller perfect for fans of Melinda Leigh, Kendra Elliot and Robert Dugoni.

Author Bio:

Author Dea (D.H) Poirier is the author of NEXT GIRL TO DIE, which hit #1 in the Amazon charts. She was raised in Edmond, Oklahoma, where she got her start writing in creative writing courses. She attended The University of Central Oklahoma for Computer Science and Political Science. Later, she spent time living on both coasts, and traveling the United States, before finally putting down roots in Central Florida. She now resides somewhere between Disney and the swamp. She spends her days at her day job as a President of Digital Marketing, and her nights writing manuscripts.

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Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Her Frozen Heart

Welcome to my blog tour stop for Her Frozen Heart which is been hosted by Bookoutre 

Author:  Stacy Green 
Pub Day: Oct 13th 2022

Buy Link(s):





Rating :  5

Would I recommend it ? Yes

Would I read more of this series : Yes 

Would I read more by this author ? Yes 

ike always I  want to say a  huge  thank you to the publisher Bookouture  , the author Stacy Green as well as to NetGalley for letting me read and review Her Frozen Heart ,Five stars all the way ,this was just want I wanted, and need since it's all most  fall. It was fast pace from the very started and had the reminiscence of my all time favorite TV show Criminal Minds. Plus I was so into the story that I  was completely shocked when the killer  was revealed , and while the descriptions of the killings was gruesome, the author did amazing job bring them to life and making you feel like you was right there when the discovery was made .

About the Book: 

The girl’s pretty face was relaxed, snowflakes settling on her cheeks as they began to fall over the quiet frozen lake where she’d been found. She could have been sleeping… but her empty eyes and the blooming bruises around her neck told a different story…When Special Agent Nikki Hunt receives a call on Christmas Day, she knows it can’t be good news. Seventeen-year-old missing teenager Kesha Williams has at last been found… her body floating in an icy forest lake, miles from her hometown.As Nikki rushes to the scene, she’s chilled to see the past repeating itself. Kesha disappeared from the mall where Nikki’s own little girl was targeted the year before. With Kesha’s grieving parents desperate for answers and the media out for blood, Nikki promises she’ll find Kesha’s killer no matter what it takes.Local police are convinced it was Kesha’s boyfriend, who was spotted disappearing from security cameras that day at the mall, but Nikki isn’t so sure. The dense marshes and unstable ground around the crime scene mean it’s nearly inaccessible from the road. Whoever took Kesha is a local, and this probably isn’t his first kill.Nikki’s worst fears are confirmed when the team find another grave on the shore – a second teenage girl, her body wound in a brightly coloured beach towel. Suddenly on the hunt for a serial killer, Nikki knows that an early break is the key to solving this case. But as the body count rises, will Nikki be able to find Kesha’s killer… or will he find her first?An unputdownable thriller that will keep you up all night! Fans of Lisa Regan, Kendra Elliot and Robert Dugoni will absolutely love this gripping read.

Author Bio

Stacy Green is a USA Today best-selling author of more than a dozen mysteries and thrillers. Her books include the award-winning Lucy Kendall series, the Cage Foster series, and the USA Today best-selling Nikki Hunt series. Stacy has bachelor’s degrees in Journalism/Mass Communication and Sociology from Drake University. She’s a member of Sisters in Crime, International Thriller Writers, and Mystery Writers of America.

Stacy lives in Iowa with her husband, daughter, and fur babies. 

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Saturday, October 15, 2022

Daughter of the Dawn

 Welcome to my blog tour stop for Daughter of the Dawn which is been hosted by Bookouture 

Daughter of the Dawn 

(Margarete's Journey Book 4)

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Rating: 5
Would I recommend it? Yes

Would I recommend this series ? Yes

Would I read more by this author ? Yes

 like always I  want to say a  huge  thank you to the publisher  Bookouture , the author Marion Kummerow , as well as to Netgalley for letting me read and review this series .Right from the very start this series had me hooked, it broke my heart, made me cry , as well as pulled my heartstrings and  me feel all of the emotions.  It showed the strength of the characters, as well as their fears ,brought to life the struggles they went through,  Friendships made and lost either because of death, or betrayal. As well as the horror that happened doing that time period. This is a series that I think everyone should read because it not only tells the story of the people,  but also what  happened in Germany during the final years of WW11,  the fate of those who were sent to Auschwitz and the Russian liberation of the camp ,because their also part of the history,  and they deserve to be remembered as well.

Book Description:
1944, Germany: The war is still raging, as a young woman named Margarete hides from the Nazis in plain sight. With each day that passes, she takes more risks. But will one of those risks ultimately take her to the most evil place on earth?After a bombing led to her identity being mistaken, Margarete Rosenbaum has been living disguised as one of the Nazis themselves, for almost the entire war.But secretly—aided by Stefan, a resistance fighter she’s becoming impossibly drawn to—she is trying to liberate the Jewish workers sent to work on the land she’s inherited, and to sabotage the work of the factory she’s meant to be in charge of.She knows that every day she is risking her life. But she also knows what she has to do. Because it could be her on the other side of the barbed wire fence. And for every person she saves from the Nazis, it’s worth it.Until she is discovered. And to protect the people she had been helping, she knows she must accept her fate. Even when they send her to the very place she’s hoped to save her prisoners from: Auschwitz… Where no one comes out alive. As the war moves towards its brutal end, will she survive to see Stefan again?A totally heartbreaking story about courage, love and betrayal, perfect for fans of The Tattooist of AuschwitzBeneath a Scarlet Sky and All the Light We Cannot See.

Author Bio:

Marion Kummerow was born and raised in Germany, before she set out to "discover the world" and lived in various countries. In 1999 she returned to Germany and settled down in Munich where she's now living with her family.Inspired by the true story about her grandparents, who belonged to the German resistance and fought against the Nazi regime, she started writing historical fiction, set during World War II. Her books are filled with raw emotions, fierce loyalty and resilience. She loves to put her characters through the mangle, making them reach deep within to find the strength to face moral dilemma, take difficult decisions or fight for what is right. And she never forgets to include humor and undying love in her books, because ultimately love is what makes the world go round.

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Crown of Darkness

  Welcome to my blog tour stop for Crown of Darkness which is been hosted by Bookouture & Second Sky Books  Book: A Crown of Darkness Au...