Saturday, January 27, 2024

THE MISSING WITNESS by Allison Brennan

Welcome to my showcase for The Mission Witness by Allison Brennan which is been hosted by 

Park Row Books, Hanover Square Press, MIRA Books, Graydon House, Canary Street Press,  Harper Collins Publishers | Harlequin

The Missing Witness : A Quinn & Costa Novel

Allison Brennan

Series: A Quinn & Costa Thriller (#5)

On Sale Date: January 23, 2024



$30.00 USD

Fiction / Thrillers / Crime

416 pages

About the Book:

When Kara Quinn is framed for the murder of an FBI agent, she'll have to go rogue to clear her

name without putting her partner, Matt Costa, in danger in this latest thriller in the USA Today

bestselling Quinn & Costa series.

A fast-paced, race-against-time thriller to wrap-up Kara Quinn’s back story...

Kara Quinn is ordered back to Los Angeles to testify in the case against David Chen & his illegal

businesses. Chen is out on bail, and there is still a threat to Kara because of it. The FBI doesn’t

want to provide federal protection for Kara (they believe that the LAPD should be responsible for

her safety) but Matt Costa and Michael Harris accompany her to LA, knowing that Chen’s got

people inside the LAPD on his payroll.

Shortly after Kara gives her deposition, someone tries to kill her. When that fails, Kara is then

framed for the murder of an FBI agent—which means, if it’s discovered Matt is protecting her, it’ll

be the end of his FBI career (he could be accused of harboring a fugitive). Knowing this, Kara

flees, determined to cure the mess herself, but she puts her life in jeopardy. Ultimately the book

reveals layers of conspiracy and corruption in Los Angeles that enabled David Chen, and

others, to operate their illegal sweat shops. This book will resolve the murder of Kara’s former

partner—and will leave Kara at a critical crossroads: return to her old life, or sign on officially

with the MRT.

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Books a Million: 


My parking garage off Fifth was nearly a mile from where I worked at city hall. I could have paid twice as

much to park two blocks from my building and avoid the rows of homeless people: the worn tents, the

used needles, the stinking garbage, the aura of hopelessness and distrust that filled a corner park and

bled down the streets.

I was listening to my favorite podcast, LA with A&I. Amy and Ian started the podcast two years ago to

talk about computer gaming, technology, entertainment and Los Angeles. It had blossomed into a quasi

news show and they live streamed every morning at seven. They’d riff on tech and local news as if sitting

down with friends over coffee. Like me, they were nerds, born and bred in the City of Angels. I’d never

met Amy or Ian in real life, but felt like I’d known them forever.

We’d chatted over Discord, teamed up to play League of Legends, and I often sent them interesting clips

about gaming or tech that they talked about on their podcast, crediting my gaming handle. Twice, we’d

tried to set up coffee dates, but I always chickened out. I didn’t know why. Maybe because I thought

they wouldn’t like me if they met me. Maybe because I was socially awkward. Maybe because I didn’t

like people knowing too much about my life.

Today while I drove to work, they’d discussed the disaster that was city hall: all the digital files had been

wiped out. The news story lasted for about five minutes, but it would be my life for the next month or

more as my division rebuilt the data from backups and archives. It was a mess. They laughed over it; I

tried to, but I was beginning to suspect the error was on purpose, not by mistake.

Now they were talking about a sweatshop that had been shut down last week.

“We don’t know much,” Amy said. “You’d think after eight days there’d be some big press conference,

or at least a frontpage story. The only thing we found was two news clips—less than ninety seconds

each—and an article on LA Crime Beat.”

“David Chen,” Ian said, “a Chinese American who allegedly trafficked hundreds of women and children

to run his factory in Chinatown, was arraigned on Monday, but according to Crime Beat, the FBI is also

investigating the crime. And—get this— the guy is already out on bail.”

“It’s fucked,” Amy said. “Look, I’m all for bail reform. I don’t think some guy with weed in his pocket

should have to pay thousands of bucks to stay out of jail while the justice system churns. But human

trafficking is a serious crime—literally not two miles from city hall, over three hundred people were

forced to work at a sweatshop for no money. They had no freedom, lived in a hovel next door to the

warehouse. Crime Beat reported that the workers used an underground tunnel to avoid being

seen—something I haven’t read in the news except for one brief mention. And Chen allegedly killed one

of the women as he fled from police. How did this guy get away with it? He kills someone and spends no

more than a weekend behind bars?”

“According to Crime Beat, LAPD investigated the business for months before they raided the place,” Ian

said. “But Chen has been operating for years. How could something like this happen and no one said a


I knew how. People didn’t see things they didn’t want to.

Case in point: the homeless encampment I now walked by.

I paused the podcast and popped my earbuds back into their charging case.

“Hello, Johnny,” I said to the heroin addict with stringy hair that might be blond, if washed. I knew he

was thirty-three, though he looked much older. His hair had fallen out in clumps, his teeth were rotted,

and his face scarred from sores that came and went. He sat on a crusty sleeping bag, leaned against the

stone wall of a DWP substation, his hollow eyes staring at nothing. As usual, he didn’t acknowledge me. I

knew his name because I had asked when he wasn’t too far gone. Johnny, born in Minnesota. He hadn’t

talked to his family in years. Thought his father was dead, but didn’t remember. He once talked about a

sister and beamed with pride. She’s really smart. She’s a teacher in…then his face dropped because he

couldn’t remember where his sister lived.

Four years ago, I left a job working for a tech start-up company to work in IT for city hall. It was barely a

step up from entry-level and I couldn’t afford nearby parking garages. If I took a combination of buses

and the metro, it would take me over ninety minutes to get to work from Burbank, so factoring the

combination of time and money, driving was my best bet and I picked the cheapest garage less than a

mile from work.

I used to cringe when I walked by the park. Four years ago, only a dozen homeless tents dotted the

corner; the numbers had more than quadrupled. Now that I could afford a more expensive garage, I

didn’t want it. I knew most of the people here by name.

“Hey, Toby,” I greeted the old black man wearing three coats, his long, dirty gray beard falling to his

stomach. He had tied a rope around his waist and attached it to his shopping cart to avoid anyone

stealing his worldly possessions when he slept off his alcohol.

“Mizvi,” he said, running my name together in a slur. He called me “Miss Violet” when he was sober. He

must have still been coming down off whatever he’d drank last night.

I smiled. Four years ago I never smiled at these people, fearing something undefinable. Now I did, even

when I wanted to cry. I reached into my purse and pulled out a bite-size Hershey Bar. Toby loved

chocolate. I handed it to him. He took it with a wide grin, revealing stained teeth.

One of the biggest myths about the homeless is that they’re hungry. They have more food than they can

eat. That doesn’t mean many aren’t malnourished. Drug and alcohol abuse can do that to a person.

A couple weeks ago a church group had thought they would bring in sandwiches and water as part of

community service. It was a nice gesture, sure, but they could have asked what was needed instead of

assuming that these people were starving. Most of the food went uneaten, left outside tents to become

rat food. The plastic water bottles were collected to return for the deposit, which was used to buy drugs

and alcohol.

But no one gave Toby chocolate, he once told me when he was half-sober. Now, whenever I saw

him—once, twice a week—I gave him a Hershey Bar. He would die sooner than he should, so why

couldn’t I give him a small pleasure that I could afford? Toby was one of the chronics, a man who’d been

on the street for years. He had no desire to be anywhere else, trusted no one, though I thought he

trusted me a little. I wished I knew his story, how he came to be here, how I could reach him to show

him a different path. His liver had to be slush with the amount of alcohol he consumed. Alcohol he

bought because people, thinking they were helping—or just to make themselves feel better—handed

him money.

As I passed the entrance to the small park, the stench of unwashed humans assaulted me. The city had

put four porta-potties on the edge of the park but they emptied them once a month, if that. They were

used more for getting high and prostitution than as bathrooms. The city had also put up fencing, but

didn’t always come around to lock the gate. Wouldn’t matter; someone would cut it open and no one

would stop them. Trespassing was the least of the crimes in the area.

I dared to look inside the park, though I didn’t expect to see her. I hadn’t seen her for over a week. I

found myself clutching my messenger bag that was strapped across my chest. Not because I thought

someone would steal it, but because I needed to hold something, as if my bag was a security blanket.

I didn’t see her among the tents or the people sitting on the ground, on the dirt and cushions, broken

couches and sleeping bags, among the needles and small, tin foils used to smoke fentanyl. I kicked aside

a vial that had once held Narcan, the drug to counteract opioid overdoses. The clear and plastic vials

littered the ground, remnants of addiction.

There was nothing humane about allowing people to get so wasted they were on the verge of death,

reviving them, then leaving them to do it over and over again. But that was the system.

The system was fucked.

Blue and red lights whirled as I approached the corner. I usually crossed Fifth Street here, but today I

stopped, stared at the silent police car.

The police only came when someone was dying…or dead.


I found my feet moving toward the cops even though I wanted to run away. My heart raced, my vision

blurred as tears flashed, then disappeared.


Excerpted from The Missing Witness by Allison Brennan, Copyright © 2024 by Allison Brennan.

Published by MIRA Books.

About the Author: 

ALLISON BRENNAN is the New York Times and USA TODAY

bestselling and award-winning author of over forty novels, including The Sorority Murder.

She lives in Arizona with her husband, five kids and assorted pets. The Missing Witness

is the fifth thriller in the new Quinn & Costa series.

Social Links:

Author Website:





Monday, January 8, 2024

Books Off my Jan 2024 TBR

Hope everyone had a  good holiday as well as a New Year for 2024 and I hope we all have a good reading year , so far Jan as been a good reading month for me and its only the 8th , but lets not get ahead of ourselves , so lets see what books I've read so far off my Jan 2024 TBR .

Moon Pack 1 : 1 : Attracting Anthony


Moon Pack 3 : Courting Calvin    

The Last Woman in the Forest by Diane Les Becquets
Broomstick Bay :
Zucchini Cake and Zombies

Jurassic Judgment:

1: Extinction Island

Moon Pack 4 Denying Dare

 Long time no see , sorry for not posting though out 2023 but that year was a crazy year for me , more down then up, put this year I'm going to try and post like I did before , in fact I just update my reading corner page for 2023 , so go check it if you want to .

Two Dead Wives

 Welcome to my showcase for Two Dead Wives which is  been hosted by Harlequin 


Author: Adele Parks

ISBN: 9780778333579

Publication Date: December 26, 2023

Publisher: MIRA

18.99 US | 23.99 CAN

Buy Links:


Barnes & Noble

Books A Million


Book Summary:

Lost. Missing. Murdered? How do you find a woman who didn’t exist?

It's a case that has gripped a nation: A woman with a shocking secret is missing, presumed dead. And her two husbands are suspects in her murder.

DCI Clements knows the dark side of human nature and that love can make people do treacherous things. You can’t presume anything when it comes to crimes of the heart. Until a body is found, this scandalous and sad case remains wide open.

Stacie Jones lives a quiet life in a small village, nursed by her father as she recovers from illness, and shielded from any news of the outside world. But their reclusive life is about to be shattered.

How are these families linked, and can any of them ever rebuild their lives in the wake of tragedy?

There is no body. A fact DC Clements finds both a problem and a tremulous, tantalizing possibility. She’s not a woman in­clined to irrational hope, or even excessive hope. Any damned hope, really. At least, not usually.
Kylie Gillingham is probably dead.
The forty-three-year-old woman has been missing nearly two weeks. Ninety-seven percent of the 180,000 people a year who are reported missing are found within a week, dead or alive. She hasn’t been spotted by members of the public, or picked up on CCTV; her bank, phone and email accounts haven’t been touched. She has social media registered under her married name, Kai Janssen; they’ve lain dormant. No perky pictures of carefully arranged books, lattes, Negronis or peo­nies. Kylie Gillingham hasn’t returned to either of her homes. Statistically, it’s looking very bad.
Experience would also suggest this sort of situation has to end terribly. When a wife disappears, all eyes turn on the husband. In this case, there is not one but two raging husbands left behind. Both men once loved the missing woman very much. Love is just a shiver away from hate.
The evidence does not conclusively indicate murder. There is no body. But a violent abduction is a reasonable proposition—police-speak, disciplined by protocol. Kidnap and abuse, possi­ble torture is likely—woman-speak, fired by indignation. They know Kylie Gillingham was kept in a room in an uninhabited apartment just floors below the one she lived in with husband number two, Daan Janssen. That’s not a coincidence. There is a hole in the wall of that room; most likely Kylie punched or kicked it. The debris created was flung through a window into the street, probably in order to attract attention. Her efforts failed. Fingerprints place her in the room; it’s unlikely she was simply hanging out or even hiding out, as there is evidence to suggest she was chained to the radiator.
Yet despite all this, the usually clear, logical, reasonable Cle­ments wants to ignore statistics, experience and even evidence that suggests the abduction ended in fatal violence. She wants to hope.
There just might be some way, somehow, that Kylie—enigma, bigamist—escaped from that sordid room and is alive. She might be in hiding. She is technically a criminal, after all; she might be hiding from the law. She can hardly go home. She will know by now that her life of duplicity is exposed. She will know her husbands are incensed. Baying for blood. She has three largely uninterested half brothers on her father’s side, and a mother who lives in Australia. None of them give Clements a sense that they are helping or protecting Kylie. She will know who abducted her. If alive, she must be terrified.
Clements’ junior partner, Constable Tanner, burly and blunt as usual, scoffs at the idea that she escaped. He’s waiting for a body; he’d settle for a confession. It’s been four days now since Daan Janssen left the country. “Skipped justice,” as Tanner in­sists on saying. But the constable is wet behind the ears. He still thinks murder is glamorous and career-enhancing. Clements tries to remember: did she ever think that way? She’s been a po­lice officer for nearly fifteen years; she joined the force straight out of university, a few years younger than Tanner is now, but no, she can’t remember a time when she thought murder was glamorous.
“He hasn’t skipped justice. We’re talking to him and his lawyers,” she points out with what feels like the last bit of her taut patience.
“You’re being pedantic.”
“I’m being accurate.”
“But you’re talking to him through bloody Microsoft Teams,” says Tanner dismissively. “What the hell is that?”
“The future.” Clements sighs. She ought to be offended by the uppity tone of the junior police officer. It’s disrespect­ful. She’s the detective constable. She would be offended if she had the energy, but she doesn’t have any to spare. It’s all fo­cused on the case. On Kylie Gillingham. She needs to remain clear-sighted, analytical. They need to examine the facts, the evidence, over and over again. To be fair, Constable Tanner is focused too, but his focus manifests in frenetic frustration. She tries to keep him on track. “Look, lockdown means Daan Janssen isn’t coming back to the UK for questioning any time soon. Even if there wasn’t a strange new world to negotiate, we couldn’t force him to come to us, not without arresting him, and I can’t do that yet.”
Tanner knocks his knuckles against her desk as though he is rapping on a door, asking to be let in, demanding attention. “But all the evidence—”
“Is circumstantial.” Tanner knows this; he just can’t quite ac­cept it. He feels the finish line is in sight, but he can’t cross it, and it frustrates him. Disappoints him. He wants the world to be clear-cut. He wants crimes to be punished, bad men behind bars, a safer realm. He doesn’t want some posh twat flashing his passport and wallet, hopping on a plane to his family man­sion in the Netherlands and getting away with it. Daan Janssen’s good looks and air of entitlement offend Tanner. Clements un­derstands all that. She understands it but has never allowed per­sonal bias and preferences to cloud her investigating procedures.
“We found her phones in his flat!” Tanner insists.
“Kylie could have put them there herself,” counters Clem­ents. “She did live there with him as his wife.”
“And we found the receipt for the cable ties and the bucket from the room she was held in.”
“We found a receipt. The annual number of cable ties pro­duced is about a hundred billion. A lot of people buy cable ties. Very few of them to bind their wives to radiators. Janssen might have wanted to neaten up his computer and charger cords. He lives in a minimalist house. That’s what any lawyer worth their salt will argue.” Clements rolls her head from left to right; her neck clicks like castanets.
“His fingerprints are on the food packets.”
“Which means he touched those protein bars. That’s all they prove. Not that he took them into the room. Not that he was ever in the room.”
Exasperated, Tanner demands, “Well how else did they get there? They didn’t fly in through the bloody window, did they?” Clements understands he’s not just excitable, he cares. He wants this resolved. She likes him for it, even if he’s clumsy in his declarations. It makes her want to soothe him; offer him guarantees and reassurances that she doesn’t even believe in. She doesn’t soothe or reassure, because she has to stay professional, focused. The devil is in the detail. She just has to stay sharp, be smarter than the criminal. That’s what she believes. “She might have brought them in from their home. He might have touched them in their flat. That’s what a lawyer will argue.”
“He did it all right, no doubt about it,” asserts Tanner with a steely certainty.
Clements knows that there is always doubt. A flicker, like a wick almost lit, then instantly snuffed. Nothing is certain in this world. That’s why people like her are so important; people who know about ambiguity yet carry on regardless, carry on asking questions, finding answers. Dig, push, probe. That is her job. For a conviction to be secured in a court of law, things must be proven beyond reasonable doubt. It isn’t easy to do. Barris­ters are brilliant, wily. Jurors can be insecure, overwhelmed. Defendants might lie, cheat. The evidence so far is essentially fragile and hypothetical.
“I said, didn’t I. Right at the beginning, I said it’s always the husband that’s done it,” Tanner continues excitedly. He did say as much, yes. However, he was talking about Husband Num­ber 1, Mark Fletcher, at that point, if Clements’ memory serves her correctly, which it always does. And even if her memory one day fails to be the reliable machine that it currently is, she takes notes—meticulous notes—so she always has those to rely on. Yes, Tanner said it was the husband, but this case has been about which husband. Daan Janssen, married to Kai: dedicated daughter to a sick mother, classy dresser and sexy wife. Or Mark Fletcher, husband to Leigh: devoted stepmother, consci­entious management consultant and happy wife? Kai. Leigh. Kylie. Kylie Gillingham, the bigamist, had been hiding in plain sight. But now she is gone. Vanished.
“The case against Janssen is gathering momentum,” says Clements, carefully.
“Because Kylie was held captive in his apartment block.”
“Which is right on the river, easy way to lose a body.”
She winces at this thought but stays on track. “Obviously Mark Fletcher has motive too. A good lawyer trying to cast doubt on Janssen’s guilt might argue that Fletcher knew about the other husband and followed his wife to her second home.”
Tanner is bright, fast; he chases her line of thought. He knows the way defense lawyers create murky waters. “Fletcher could have confronted Kylie somewhere in the apartment block.”
“A row. A violent moment of fury,” adds Clements. “He knocks her out cold. Then finds an uninhabited apartment and impetuously stashes her there.”
Tanner is determined to stick to his theory that Janssen is the guilty man. “Sounds far-fetched. How did he break in? This thing seems more planned.”
“I agree, but the point is, either husband could have discov­ered the infidelity, then, furious, humiliated and ruthless, im­prisoned her. They’d have wanted to scare and punish, reassert control, show her who was boss.” They know this much, but they do not know what happened next. Was she killed in that room? If so, where is the body hidden? “And you know we can’t limit this investigation to just the two husbands. There are other suspects,” she adds.
Tanner flops into his chair, holds up a hand and starts to count off the suspects on his fingers. “Oli, Kylie’s teen stepson. He has the body and strength of a man…”
Clements finishes his thought. “But the emotions and irra­tionality of a child. He didn’t know his stepmum was a biga­mist, but he did know she was having an affair. It’s possible he did something rash. Something extreme that is hard to come back from.”
“Then there’s the creepy concierge in the swanky apart­ment block.”
“Yeah, he might be our culprit.”
Clements considers it. “He has access to all the flats, the back stairs, the CCTV.”
“He’s already admitted that he deleted the CCTV from the day Kylie was abducted. He said that footage isn’t kept more than twenty-four hours unless an incident of some kind is re­ported. Apparently the residents insist on this for privacy. It might be true. It might be just convenient.”
Clements nods. “And then there’s Fiona Phillipson. The best friend.”
“Bloody hell. We have more suspects than an Agatha Chris­tie novel,” says Tanner with a laugh that is designed to hide how overwhelmed and irritated he feels. His nose squashed up against shadowy injustice, cruel violence and deception.
“I still think the husband did it.”
“Which one?”
“Crap. Round and round in circles we go.” He scratches his head aggressively. “Do you want me to order in pizza? It’s going to be a long night.”
“Is anyone still doing deliveries? I don’t think they are,” points out Clements. “You know, lockdown.”
“Crap,” he says again, and then rallies. “Crisps and chocolate from the vending machine then. We’ll need something to sustain us while we work out where Kylie is.”
Clements smiles to herself. It’s the first time in a long time that Tanner has referred to Kylie by name, not as “her” or “the bigamist” or, worse, “the body.” It feels like an acceptance of a possibility that she might be somewhere. Somewhere other than dead and gone.
Did she somehow, against the odds, escape? Is Kylie Gilling­ham—the woman who dared to defy convention, the woman who would not accept limits and laughed in the face of con­formity—still out there, somehow just being?
God, Clements hopes so.
Excerpted from Two Dead Wives by Adele Parks. Copyright © 2023 by Adele Parks. Published by arrangement with Harlequin Books S.A.

Author Bio: 

Adele Parks was born in North Yorkshire. She is the author of twenty-one bestselling novels. Over four million UK copies of her work have been sold, and her books have been translated into thirty-one different languages. Adele’s recent Sunday Times number one bestsellers Lies, Lies, Lies and Just My Luck were short-listed for the British Book Awards and have been optioned for development for TV. She is an ambassador of the National Literacy Trust and The Reading Agency, two charities that promote literacy in the UK. She is a judge for the Costa Book Awards. Adele has lived in Botswana, Italy and London and is now settled in Guildford, Surrey. In 2022 she was awarded an MBE for services to literature.

Social Links:

Author Website: 





Tuesday, January 2, 2024

The Weekend Retreat

 Welcome to my showcase for the Weekend Retreat which is been hosted by Park Row Books, Hanover Square Press, MIRA Books, Graydon House, Canary Street Press ,HarperCollinsPublishers | Harlequin Trade Publishing


Tragedy strikes at Van Ness Winery

SUNDAY, October 15—Multiple people have been reported dead at the Van Ness Winery after

an altercation late Saturday night, our Eyewitness Team reports. Police were dispatched around

1:00 a.m. on Sunday morning after a 9-1-1 call from the estate’s main house, but they were

delayed hours getting to the scene because of the torrential rainstorm that flooded Rte. 8 and

many of the small roads leading up to the winery.

Our news team is on-site but has not been able to verify details with officials, who are

still investigating the scene. It appears the damaged substation in Parnell affected power to the

estate as well as a number of neighboring homes and businesses in the Finger Lakes area.

This tragedy is the latest to befall the Van Ness family, whose matriarch, investor and

philanthropist Katrina Van Ness, died earlier this year of pancreatic cancer at the age of


The Van Ness winery, known for producing high-quality, award-winning wines, has been

owned by the Van Ness family for several generations. The family started the business in the

1950s, after selling their Arizona-based copper mining company founded by Benson Van Ness.

The 985- acre winery and estate is now managed by the Van Ness siblings, who live full-time in

New York City. Their family investment office owns interests in multiple different real estate

holdings and industrial and manufacturing enterprises. The siblings are believed to have been

visiting the estate for the weekend for a family celebration.

We will report more as details are confirmed.


Two Days before the Party


Ever since Zach told me about The Weekend, it’s all I’ve been able to focus on. Most people

would naturally be at least a little nervous to meet their significant other’s family for the first time.

But most people aren’t dating a Van Ness.

“Earth to Lauren.” Zach snaps his fingers, grinning over at me. He left work early to get

on the road sooner and didn’t have time to change, so he’s still wearing his suit, purple tie

slightly askew but knotted even after hours of driving.

“Sorry,” I say, tugging the ends of my hair. “Zoning out.”

“You look like I’m driving you to your death,” he says, then grabs my hand and squeezes.

“Don’t worry. I promise it’ll be fun. Even if my family’s there.”

All I can see out my window are trees and fields and cows, my cell phone bars ticking

steadily down. We must be close. Zach is taking care on the steep, curvy roads. One bad turn

could send our car into a deep ditch or crashing into a thick tree trunk.

It’s so beautiful up there, my best friend Maisie said when I told her about the invitation.

She had that wicked look in her eye. All the rolling hills. A vineyard. Starry sky. Super romantic.

Perfect place to propose. My stomach flips at the thought, and I breathe in deep. This weekend

is not about us. It’s a birthday party for Zach’s older siblings, Harper and Richard, the twins, an

annual tradition to celebrate at the family’s winery. I can’t get ahead of myself.

We drive up a winding gravel road, through patches of dense trees. Taller ones have

already gone barren for the winter, but some of the smaller trees arch over the road, their

branches meeting and entangling like fingers, blotting out the remaining light.

“Ladies and gentlemen, we are now approaching the famous Van Ness estate,” Zach

says in a booming voice as the car’s headlights flick on. “Please, no photographs, and keep all

hands and feet inside the moving vehicle at all times.”

Zach had told me the estate was large—a thousand acres— but I didn’t grasp what that

meant until the tunnel of trees ends and the view opens to a sprawling expanse of green fields

and rolling hills, stretching endlessly against the purple-hued sky. We cross a small stone bridge

that extends over a stream, then bump along a rocky road. The vineyards creep closer to us

now, eerie in their precise organization, each plant in a perfect row. We’re inching toward winter,

and all the grapes must have already been picked for the season, pressed and bottled, because

the vines are bare and withered.

When I first moved to New York and waited tables at an Italian restaurant, we served the

Van Ness wine. I remember those dark purple labels, the name stamped big and bold on the

front. A brand that said, We are too good for you. But Zach is nothing like that, like the Van

Nesses you read about online. Sometimes I forget he’s part of that family in the day-to-day

rhythm of our lives. He doesn’t talk about them much, offers the scantest of information, or

cracks a joke, or completely changes the subject when I bring them up. All I know of them is

from the press, fleeting and superficial, like the pages of a glossy magazine, but hazy enough

that I can imagine slicing open my finger on the sharp edges if I’m not careful.

“Tell me about them,” I say now, when there’s no evading the topic.

He glances over at me. “My family? What more do you need to know?”

“I don’t know. How can I win them over so they all love me forever and ever?” I say,

trying to hide my nerves.

He laughs. “They’re impossible to win over.”

“Oh perfect,” I say. “That makes it easy then.”

“Nah, they aren’t that bad. They’re...particular is all.”

We head up a slight incline. To the right, there’s a gravel path marked Private—Staff

Only. We pass it and stop in front of a large metal gate. Zach rolls down his window, fetches a

key card from the glove compartment. “We had this installed years ago for extra security,” he

says. Once the machine reads his card, the gates swing open soundlessly. I turn to watch them

rotate back and slam into place.

As we round a corner, I finally catch a glimpse of the house, a stone mansion, stoic on

the hill. The long driveway curves up to an overhang in front, flanked by a series of round potted


“Here we are,” says Zach as we pull up. He shuts off the car, taps the digital clock on the

dashboard. “And on time for dinner, too. Elle will be pleased.”

My stomach does another flip.

Breathe deep.

Project confidence.

They’re going to love you.

I get out. The air is chilly—it’s dropped at least ten degrees since we left the city. I wrap

my arms across my body.

The massive wooden front door opens, and an older man walks out, gray hair and

beard, a deep purple polo shirt with the Van Ness logo stitched on the pocket, two flutes of

sparkling wine in his hands.

“Bill! You are the man.” Zach trades him the keys to the car for the glasses. “Lauren, Bill

and his wife Linnet have been taking care of the estate—and us—since I was a snotty-nosed


As Bill heads for the trunk to unload our baggage, I survey the house. My eyes follow the

three short steps up to a wide entryway with pillars, to the archway above the door, and then

outward to the wings on either side. Greenery climbs up the stonework between the windows,

and I imagine Bill must trim it often to keep it so nice. I touch a pillar next to me and feel its cool


“Where’s everyone else?” Zach asks Bill. For him, this is business as usual. I doubt he

even notices the grandness anymore.

“Oh, they’re around,” he says. “Miss Elle says dinner at 6:30, and you can all meet in the


I smooth down the gold silk top Zach picked out for me, hugging and hiding in all the

right places, like expensive clothes do. What would my parents say if they saw me? They would

never guess I’d be weekending with a famous family like this. They never thought I’d make it in

New York, thought I’d come crawling back begging to return to my night shift writing obituaries at

our small-town paper.

But I’m never going back.

I take a sip of the sparkling wine. The bubbles pop, cold and hard against the back of my


Excerpted from The Weekend Retreat by Tara Laskowski, Copyright © 2023 by Tara Laskowski.

Published by Graydon House


Author: Tara Laskowski

ISBN: 9781525811456

Publication Date: December 26, 2023

Publisher: Graydon House

18.99 US | 23.99 CAN

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Author Bio: 

TARA LASKOWSKI is the author of The Mother Next Door and One Night Gone,

which won an Agatha Award, Macavity Award, and Anthony Award, and was a finalist

for the Mary Higgins Clark Award, Left Coast Crime Award, Strand Critics' Award,

and Library of Virginia Literary Award. She is also the author of two short story collections,

Modern Manners for

Your Inner Demons and Bystanders, has published stories in Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery

Magazine and Mid-American Review, among others, and is the former editor o

f SmokeLong Quarterly. Tara earned a BA in English from Susquehanna University

and an MFA from George Mason University and currently lives in Virginia.

Find her on Twitter and Instagram, @TaraLWrites.

Book Summary: 

Every year, the illustrious Van Ness siblings, heirs to a copper fortune,

gather at their lush winery estate for a joint birthday celebration. It's a tradition they've followed

nearly all their lives, and now they are back with their significant others for a much-

needed weekend of rest and relaxation, away from the public spotlight.

With lavish comforts, gorgeous scenery, and indulgent drinking, the trip should

be the perfect escape. But it soon becomes clear that even a remote idyllic

getaway can’t keep out the problems simmering in each of their lives. As old tensions

are reignited, the three couples are pushed to the edge. Will their secrets destroy them,

or will they destroy each other first? And who’s been watching them

from beyond the vineyard gates?

When a torrential rainstorm hits, plunging them into darkness, the answers prove all too deadly…

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