Tuesday, July 2, 2024

In the Blink of an Eye

 Welcome to my blog tour for In the Blink of an Eye which is been hosted by Bookouture 

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Title : In the blink of an eye 

Author : Kate Hewitt 

Pub Date : July 1, 2024

Pages : 395

Publisher : Bookouture 

Format  : ARC

Source:Bookouture & NetGalley

Rating : 5

Would I recommend it ? Yes 

Would I read more by this author ? Yes 

First off  a big thank you to the publisher Bookouture as well as to the author Kate Hewitt  an NetGalley for the invite to read as well as review In the blink of an eye , A Slow-paced mystery that is told in 3 different POV's that makes you question everything from start to finish which each turn of the page.But at the same time it also brings up front that there is no such thing as the perfect family, and that you  shouldn't try to be something your not , and that its ok just to be yourself no matter who you or your family is . 

Book Description:

It only took a moment for everything to go wrong. A little girl is hurt, but who is to blame?

I’m so happy as I walk to pick up my seven-year-old son from the birthday party. It’s his first since we moved here, and I know he’s found it hard settling in. Just as I’ve found it hard to make friends among the mothers at the school gates. But as I turn the corner, my heart stops when I see an ambulance.

I start to run. 
My son, is all I can think. I have to find my son.

As I race into the garden, desperately searching for my blue-eyed little boy, a fellow parent turns to me, her finger pointed. The words out of her mouth make my blood run cold.

Your son did this. This is your fault.”

Surely that can’t be true? My son can be difficult, but I’d know if he was capable of hurting someone… Wouldn’t I?

As a little girl is lifted onto a stretcher, I feel my world come crashing down. My heart cracks in two for this poor child, her devastated family. Because there’s no coming back from this. An innocent girl has been hurt. My son is being blamed. 
But I’m his mother, and I’ll do whatever it takes to find out what really happened…

A totally gripping and emotional novel about trust, female friendship and betrayal. Perfect for fans of Jodi Picoult, Liane Moriarty and Susan Lewis.

Author Bio:

Kate Hewitt is the author of many romance and women’s fiction novels. A former New Yorker and now an American ex-pat, she lives in a small town on the Welsh border with her husband, five children, and their overly affectionate Golden Retriever. Whatever the genre, she enjoys telling stories that tackle real issues and touch people’s lives.


Sign up to be the first to hear about new releases from Kate Hewitt here: https://www.bookouture.com/kate-hewitt

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