Saturday, June 29, 2019

June Reads - total of 24 books read

Here on Spooky's Maze Of  Books your find anything from book hauls, to Netgalley reviews, to my TBRs , and my book recommends from me to you.

So when I pick books from my Netgalley TBR I use random number generator, its a fun way of picking books because I don't know what I'll get util I find the number that is picked.

Link to the random number generator I use:

Here's how I do it:

1: make a list of all your books on your TBR, or a goodreads shelf: ( Me I have a google speed sheet that has all my Netgalley TBR list it )

2: random number generator : top number is 1 bottom number is how mane books is on my list

3 : Hit the number generator as many times as you want ( me I some times it up to 5 times ) , and what ever number comes up ( write down the numbers ) those are the numbers I go look for .

4 Go to your shelf / google sheet and find the numbers ( me I high light the books with a color ) and I go and make them as reading on my Goodreads .

5: after I read one or all of them I then go and remove them from my list and add them to my Netgalley read shelf, then I just cut and past and move the un read books up to the numbers that don't have books beside them,

Now There are a few rules to this :

If a number comes up and its part of a series I'll do this:

1: if its lets say book  in a series and its the only one I have then I'll read it

2: if its a book in a series and I have at least read book 1 then I'll pick up the next book in the series and put back on my TBR the one that came up

or 3 if its a  series I have and I haven't start it then I'll pick up the first book and read it , and leave the one that came up on my TBR,

Now on to June's TBR  ( some will be the same and others with be different) plus I'm also doing a book bingo in one of my goodreads groups so that book is picked every Tuesday

random number called :

Total books read in June  is 24
To see a better  picture of them all you can find them as well:

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