Saturday, September 4, 2021

Halloween Bingo & Becca's Bookoplathon


newish square, or maybe really more of a "repurposing" square. Classic noir was the least popular of all of the square, and we had a suggestion from Themis for a Golden Age Mystery square, or a Queens of Crime square, to focus on Agatha Christie & a few of her contemporaries. Vintage mysteries is a journey(wo)man square that can take on all of the roles above, and it replaces Classic Noir.

In order to qualify for this square, the book must be a mystery published before 1975.

Square : Vantage Mystery
Title:Bulldog Drummond
Rating: 4
Published : 1920
A new to me author and a somewhat new series to me , and what I mean by that is I've seen the black and white movies and love them, their one of my all time favorite black and white mystery movies to watch but I've never read the books , so as soon as I saw this one as a free kindle book I knew I had to grab it .And this was the perfect time,plus it take place right after the end of WW 1 which is a setting I don't tend to read about as much as I would like to , non stop action from the very start, and it keeps you wanting to see the bad guys lose and Bulldog coming out on top , as well as make you wander how his going to stop them and get out of the trouble you know will find him.

2nd roll : 5
Prompt: TBR Game: ( Halloween Bingo randomized : Vantage mystery 

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Find my Daughter

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