Thursday, March 21, 2019


Title: Milady
Author: Laura L. Sullivan
Genre: Historical Fiction
 Berkley Books
Pub: July 2,2019
First To Read ARC 
Book synopsis:
One for all, and all for one woman:

She was the greatest nemesis of d'Artagnan and the Three Musketeers--but Milady de Winter was so much more than just a villain in their swashbuckling adventures.

I've gone by many names though you know me as Milady de Winter: Villainess, seductress, a secondary player in The Three Musketeers story.

But we all know history was written by men, and they so often get things wrong.

So before you cast judgment, let me tell you of how a girl from the countryside became the most feared woman in all of Europe. A target for antipathy, a name whispered in fear or loathing.

I don't need you to like me. I just need to be free.

It's finally time I tell my own story. The truth isn't tidy or convenient, but it's certainly more interesting

My thoughts
Would I recommend it?
Will I read anything by this author again?
Why did.I.decided to request.this?become I absolutely love The Three Musketeers,it's one of my all time favorite classics to read and I was wondering how the author would write Milady's story .
At first glance I wanted to fell sorry for Charlotte ,who seems like a young girl down on her luck but just after a few more pages  I realized that this girl this Charlotte was more then she seemed to be.As for the story its told in the past and present , the writing comes to live before your very eyes as does the characters , the places.,  It has a  well developed heroine, family intrigue, and there are times that Milady seems to have feeling but only towards her lover and friend. As for the rest of the book I wasn't sure if she was going to be able to pull off this retelling of the Three Musketeers but she did and in a way that it actually worked . Can't wait to see what else she writes , with that said I want to thank First To Read for letting me read and review it exchange for my honest opinion .

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Hidden in the Dark

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