Friday, September 13, 2019

The Classroom

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Title:The Classroom
Author: A.L.Bird
Genre:psychological thriller 
Pages: 384
HQ Digital
 September 16th 2018
Rating: 3.5

Letting go of your daughter for the first time isn’t easy

After years of IVF, Kirsten White is a devoted mum to Harriet and she can’t believe the time has come to send her little girl off to school. But Harriet has now turned five, and she can’t stay Kirsten’s baby forever. It might be hard, but it’s time to entrust her daughter’s care to her new teacher.

the classroom is the one place she should be safe.

Miriam Robertson has been waiting for the perfect little girl to walk into her class. She’s very picky but when Harriet walks in, Miriam knows: this is the child she’s been waiting for.

Harriet knows not to speak to strangers. But her lovely new teacher isn’t a stranger at all. In fact, she’s her new best friend. And you can always trust your friends can’t you

My thoughts
Would I recommend it? yes
Would I read anything else by this author? maybe
For A psychological thriller I was surprised that how long it took for the story to actually build up to a point where I didn't want to stop reading it , and I read a lot of thrillers including psychological  ones, this one was slow going from the start , and I get it not every thriller can be fast going from the very start , and there's times  I even like a thriller to be slow going but not as slow as this one is and was, it's also told in the different viewpoints of Kristen and Miriam.Which made it sometimes hard to tell who might be telling the truth but in a god way , with that said I want to thank Netgalley for letting me read and review it exchange for my honest opinion.

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