Saturday, October 12, 2019

October reading / read

books read


  1. You have a lot of wonderful books on your list. I so want to read, Stalking jack the Ripper.

    1. Thanks ,and I loved Stalking Jack The Ripper , after reading it ,I now want the rest of the series

  2. Great post and a great list of books I also read all three books of The Scary Stories trilogy and I absolutely loved and enjoyed the trilogy so much. Thank you so much for sharing your awesome post.

    1. Thank you and your welcome , so glad you love and enjoyed the scary tales trilogy , I hadn't read them in years and as soon as my sister got them for me I knew I wanted to read them in October .

  3. Replies
    1. I loved it ,it was my first time reading it and wow ,I can see why some people consider it their favorite series .

  4. I keep trying to work Tattooist into my schedule

    1. Hope you can get to it, I act got book 2 from Netgalley before it came out , without realizing it was book 2 so I decided before reading the second book I wanted to read Tattooist and it's the type of Historical Fiction I like .

  5. A greasy list of books perfect for the season. I love Tess Gerritsen and I want to read Stalking Jack the Ripper too.
    Gemma @ Gemma's Book Nook

    1. thanks so much and the Tess Gerritsen book was actually good if a bit different then her normal written style but I actually liked it and I loved Stalking Jack the Ripper.

  6. Great list. I have been a fan of Tess Gerritsen since her first release and have not read this one so I am really happy right now. The Bone Collector is brilliant, I have read a lot of that series too. I read Pet Sematary in my teens and it frightened me beyond words.

    1. thanks much , you need to pick the new Tess Gerritsen book up its different then her normal style , but it was actually good , and I'm so glad i picked up finally the Bone Collecter because I've read one or two other books in that series but not that one which is sad because I love the movie, and Pet Sematary wow just wow, I'd seen bits and pieces of the original movie but never read the book until now , and man was that baby and cat creepy when they came back from the dead, I was like what did i actually just read that. so I'm glad that I finally read it even if its my first time doing so , I'd had people tell me it was creepy but wow it was more then creepy. It was down right scary

  7. Great stack of books. I have six of them.


Hidden in the Dark

 Welcome to my blog tour for Hidden in the Dark  which is been hosted by Bookouture   First off like always a big thank you to Bookouture , ...