Saturday, November 23, 2019

The Wold and the Sparrow

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Title : The Wolf and The Sparrow
Author: Isabelle Adler
Genre:LGTBQIA romance
Rating: 3

My thoughts
Would I recommend it ? Yes, but only to ones that read same sex romance.
Would I read anything else by this author? Maybe
This was my first time reading this author and I can see why some people like her stuff, she has away of bring her fantasy stories to life and the way she describes her world's are amazing ,so much so that it doesn't take anything from the rest of her story. As for the romance its self it was slow going but in some way it was just what this story need, and it helped make the story more enjoyable as well because it showed the characters had a chance to get to know one other better. With that said I want to say thank you to NetGalley as well as to the publisher for letting me read and review it exchange for my honest opinion.


  1. Intriguing book and absolutely beautiful cover.

  2. New author for me, thanx for sharing

    1. your very welcome and that's why I love doing reviews because I get to help you find new authors

  3. Thanks for the review. I'm drawn to that cover.
    Gemma @ Gemma's Book Nook

    1. your welcome and the cover's what made me pick it up as well

  4. I love same sex romance. Going to request this one. Thanks for sharing

    1. your very welcome and I'm glad your going to request it

  5. I love that cover. I rarely read fantasy these days so I doubt I would pick this up, possibly in the future if I get back to reading the genre. Great review.

  6. I don't read many same sex romances so this isn't one for me but thanks for sharing your review :) I absolutely love that cover!


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