Friday, August 6, 2021



To day's book to talk about it 

Title: Blackbeard :The Hunt for the World's Most Notorious Pirate
Authors:  Craig Cabell, Allan Richards, Graham A Thomas
Genre: Nonfiction-history
Netgalley 2021 - an add on to my August TBR
Pub date :Oct 30,2021
Rating: 4
Would I recommend it? Yes, but only to the ones that love history.
Would I read more by these author? Yes
Now on to my thoughts:
First off like always a big thank you to the publisher:Pen & Sword, Pen & Sword Maritime , the authors :Craig Cabell, Allan Richards, Graham A Thomas, and to NetGalley for saying yes to my wish and for letting me read and review, because this is the first book I've read about Blackbeard, I knew he was a pirate but that's all that I knew. as for my thoughts on the book itself :If you like history or knew of someone who does then this might be right up their alley , but I done have to says its not the type of book that you can read in a day, and the story shows that the authors really put in the time and effort to check and double check their research on him. And at times feel bit to much but over all that helps you get a better idea and picture of who the characters was, the time period as well as make you ask yourself who was the real bad guy . 

Edward Teach – 'Blackbeard'-is one of the legends of the so-called 'golden age of piracy'. There have been so many accounts of his short, bloody career that it is hard to see him and his times in a clear historical light. This new study looks for the man behind the legend, and it gives a vivid insight into the nature of piracy and the naval operations that were launched against it.

The narrative focuses on the roles played by the Governor of Virginia Alexander Spotswood who masterminded the pursuit of Blackbeard, and Lieutenant Robert Maynard of HMS Pearl who led the pursuit and finally cornered Teach and his crew and, after a vicious fight, saw him killed.

In vivid detail it reveals how the hunt for Blackbeard was orchestrated, how he was tracked down, and the parts played in the drama by the larger-than-life leading characters in this extraordinary story.

This freshly researched study of the pursuit of the notorious pirate and his crew - and of the final fight in which Blackbeard lost his life - makes compelling reading.

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