Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Never Saw Me Coming

 Welcome to my blog tour stop for Never Saw Me Coming which is been hosted by HARLEQUIN – Trade Publishing (U.S. & Canada), Park Row

Title: Never Saw Me Coming

Auhtor: Vera Kirian

Rating: 5

Would I recommend it? Yes

Would I read anything else by this author? Yes

Now on to my thoughts

First off a huge thank you to the publisher Park Row- Harlequin Trade Publishing, the author Vera Kirian, and NetGalley for the invite to join the blog tour as will as to read and review Never Saw Me Come. Second thing is what got me to say yes is the cover its amazing and the colors draw your eyes to the cover . And the third and final thing is that its a thriller, which is one of my all time favorite genres to read. As for the story itself it was interesting, and a bit different from anything else I've read, which was good.

Because its the first book I've read where you have a group of psychopaths altogether in one place which makes the story work. Because when you think of psychopaths what comes to mind is that their the hunters you have to watch out for but this plays along the line of what would happen if the hunters became the prey. It'll have you setting on the edge of your set , turning the pages and so lost in the story that you don't want to stop reading , all the time asking yourself whose going to come out on top.


Author: Vera Kurian

ISBN: 9780778311553

Publication Date: September 7, 2021

Publisher: Park Row Books

Buy Links: 



Barnes & Noble




Book Summary:

“I’ve never met someone like me, but when I do, eventually, I think it will be like two wolves meeting in the night, sniffing and recognizing a fellow hunter.”

Meet Chloe Sevre. Freshman honor student. Average-seeming, legging-wearing, hot girl next door…and diagnosed psychopath with an IQ of 135. Her hobbies include yogalates, frat parties, and plotting to kill Will Bachman, a childhood friend who grievously wronged her.

Now Chloe and six other students at John Adams College are part of an unusual clinical study that includes smartwatches to track their moods and movements, in exchange for free tuition. The study, led by a renowned psychiatrist, has inadvertently brought together some of the most dangerous minds who feel no guilt or fear. When one of the participants is found murdered, it becomes obvious they’re all in danger. Chloe goes from hunter to prey, and joins forces with two other psychopaths in the program to discover why they’re being targeted – if they could only trust each other.

Wildly entertaining with compelling characters and a vividly conjured campus setting, NEVER SAW ME COMING will keep you up all night, pinned to the page, wondering why you’re rooting for a would-be killer.

Social Links:

Author Website

Twitter: @vera_kurian

Instagram: @verakurianauthor


Author Bio: 

Vera Kurian is a psychologist and writer and a longtime resident of Washington DC. She has a doctorate in social psychology, specializing in intergroup relations, political ideology, and quantitative methods. She has studied fiction at Breadloaf, Sewanee, VONA, and attended juried workshops at LitCamp, Colgate, Juniper, and the Marlboro Summer Writing Intensive. She has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize and was a semifinalist for the Mark Twain Royal Nonesuch Humor Writing Contest.

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