Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Britain's Unsolved Murders

Title: Britain's Unsloved Murders
By : Kevin Turton
Genre: Nonfiction - true crime
Britain has its fair share of unsolved murders. Crimes that have both fascinated and horrified in equal measure, with many as baffling today as they were when the stories first hit the headlines in the national press. Spanning 100 years between 1857-1957, this book re-examines thirteen of these murder cases and retells the stories that have endured and confounded both police and law courts alike. Each chapter provides an account of the circumstances surrounding the killing, of the people caught up in the subsequent investigation and the impact it had on some of their lives. It also explores the question of guilt and to whom it should, or should not, be attached. Each of these murders poses an undeniable truth; no-one was ever proven to have committed the killing despite, in some cases, accusing fingers being pointed, arrests being made and show trials taking place. Consequently, notoriety, deserved or otherwise, was often attached to both victim and accused. But was it ever merited?

From the questionable court case surrounding Scotland's now famous Madeleine Smith, and the failed police investigation into Bradford's Jack the Ripper case of 1888, to the mysterious deaths of Caroline Luard and Florence Nightingale Shore at the start of the twentieth century, this book disturbs the dust, sifts the facts and poses the questions that mattered at the time of each murder. Did Harold Greenwood poison his wife in Kidwelly? Who was responsible for the Ripper-like killing of Emily Dimmock and Rose Harsent? Why did Evelyn Foster die on the moor near Otterburn in what became known as the Blazing car murder and who strangled Ann Noblett to death in 1957?

These are just some of the cases examined and the stories behind them. Each and every one, no matter how appalling the crime, still deserving of justice.

My thoughts
Would I recommend it ?yes but only to those who love to read true crime
Would I read more by this author?Perhaps
One of the things that made me I
pick it up was the title ,because I love reading anything especially nonfiction that has to deal with cold cases because these are cases that may never be solve.And sadly these well never be because they happened in the mid 1857 though 1957. This book talks about each case as well as gives the story behind it .As your read it you can definitely tell that the author has done his research on each case and brings them to life.With that said I want to thank Netgalley for letting me read and review it .

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